
Sep 6, 2024
“A woman should never leave her house without a bra” — I think not!
A terribly oppressive statement. Does society really need to fear breasts so much as to impose an undergarment on all women? Of course not!

Sep 3, 2024
Could Society be Clothing Optional?
Some thoughts on how near and far we might be from a reality where being naked is just another outfit choice.

Apr 7, 2024
Being naked with friends is the best.
Some reflections on my experiences with naked friends. And ideas for nude socialising you can try!

Dec 28, 2023
What has changed after a decade being a vegan?
Reflecting on how my attitudes, tastes, and life in general have changed in a little over ten years since becoming a vegan.

Nov 16, 2023
Why do men seem more comfortable with nudity?
Some thoughts on social attitudes to nudity and the social expectations on women which seem to make men more at ease with nudity.

Oct 18, 2023
23andMe no longer thinks I'm Spanish, Scandinavian, or Japanese!
A look at the evolving analysis of my genetic ancestry from that fun genetic test thing you can do!

May 12, 2023
Visions in a Meditative Mind
My latest poem, recalling what a meditating mind explores.

Apr 13, 2023
The Elation of the Wheel: Yoga and Long Covid
On returning to an out-of-practice yoga pose in the face of long-covid; rediscovering the ability to breathe.

Feb 16, 2023
I Love Stretch Marks!
On the beauty of a supposed “flaw”. In my view, a feature to be celebrated.

Jan 29, 2023
Why Do People Wear Clothes?
Considering the practical and cultural reasons why we dress, and why we could be naked.

Jan 12, 2023
I Wish I’d Been More Naked in Student Accommodation.
On being a nudist in hiding, and how accepting of nudity many people can actually be.

Oct 16, 2022
Seeing a Brachiosaurus in real life was one of the most moving moments of my life.
On why I love giant dinosaurs (and giraffes), and how they reflect on the state of the world today.

Jun 27, 2022
Caught Naked Taking Photos at Uni
That time at uni when the photography technician walked in on one of my nude photoshoots… and other nude photography encounters.

May 24, 2022
Banning Adidas’ bare-breasts advert enforces the sexualisation of breasts rather than preventing it
Thoughts on how seeking to avoid causing offence is actually generating negative attitudes towards bodies and reinforcing sexualisation

Mar 20, 2022
What is the Definition of Beauty?
Thinking of beauty as something universal, that we could all see in ourselves and others, something that reflects the diversity of humanity.

Feb 21, 2022
Why I Shoot Nudes
Presenting my reasons for creating nude photography: self-reflection, body-positivity, taboo-busting, nudity-normalising, and more.

Feb 14, 2022
Nudist Friends: Why you should want them, and why you should be them.
A response to the question: What are the benefits of having nudist friends?

Jan 28, 2022
What Lies Between Nudism and Exhibitionism?
A response to the question "What's the difference between nudism and exhibitionism?"

Jan 15, 2022
I might be compelled to fly sometime, and it makes me very uncomfortable.
On why I don’t fly, and why I might have to compromise my own principles.

Jan 1, 2022
Don’t Look Up points the world to what we refuse to see.
I both enjoyed and found Don't Look Up a brutally upsetting movie. Some thoughts on why it's such a powerful film for climate change.